Thursday, November 09, 2006

Economics be Damned!

You know, I took a series of economics classes in college and despite some very sophisticated information to grasp, there are some relatively easy concepts to follow. Supply and Demand are still at work and have been since the beginning of commerce. S&D works for the labor market as well. Hence I could not see why anyone, who knows anything about economics would want to saddle the economy with a brake such as the minimum wage increase.

Never mind the fact that only 2% of workers in the country actually make the minimum wage. And most of those are under 24 and live at home. But according to the Democrats, its why we voted the way we did on Tuesday.

But I think I've found the real reason why the Democrats like the minimum wage. It seems that its a big slice at the big business.

...despite the fact that the minimum wage's purchasing power is now at the lowest point in more than 50 years and business profits are soaring.

Well, if business profits are soaring, then we should take more money from them to give to that 2% that is actually getting this wage.

Friday, October 27, 2006

This is Compassionate?

OMG: Democrats are supposed to be compassionate? I've read blogs from both sides and this I never see on the conservative blog.

"Hoo boy. Now and then, when I lose emotional discipline and actually watch Bush, see him sneer and wink and look tough for press-conference cameras; or Cheney lurk like some monstrous slab of sociopathic suet behind Bush's shoulder. Or I stare at Rumsfeld's prissy fits of manically arrogant doubletalk (Is Rumsfeld clinically mad?-- burbling his nonsense on and on and on, waving his arthritic deathgrip hands?). Or I watch Condi stammer and stutter through her lies. Or I actually attend to statements by Dr. Formaldehyde Frist; or observe "genial" mouth-breathing witless Denny Hastert, that lying slanderizing thug --At these times I fall to apoplectic musing, which I would like to share with you: Namely, besides impeachment and a one-way trip to the Hague, what else could properly express the fitting destiny these despicable soul-bewormed monstrosities deserve?"

I'm sorry, did you ever meet any of these people. Until you do I think you have absolutely no right to make these kinds of statements. Where is there any type of civility?

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Democrats Hate Democrats

This is rich, I always thought Democrats did no wrong in elections, it was that vast right-wing conspiracy that want to disenfrachise voters, but now apparently Democrats are admitting they do it too.

"...Let's look at the big picture here. That's 387,000 dollars in cash on the streets of Connecticut that Lieberman won't disclose. This is a clear violation of the entire rationale for FEC laws, because from now on anyone can simply disguise their spending in petty cash logs that they don't reveal. Lieberman could have spent this on vote-buying, intimidation, or illegal cash payments to ward bosses, and he probably did so, or at least that's what the rumors all across the Connecticut Democratic Party machine suggest. But we don't know. And Joe Lieberman is hiding what he should reveal, and lying about it."

I guess its just a matter of who your enemy is...if its a Republican or a Democrat that you don't like any more, anything is possible.

Monday, October 23, 2006

The Obama Question

There has been allot of talk amongst the MSM and the bloggers about the reasons for the apparent anointing of Senator Obama (D) Illinois as the new presumptive nominee for '08. Why is this, since we all know that Hilary is the queen of the Democratic party?

I think I have a take. There are some, even in the Democratic party, that believe Hilary is unelectable. But the Clinton machine, must have its 'second' victory to cement Bill's legacy. So if Hilary is unelectable, lets find someone who is and pair the two together.

This is a win-win for the Dems. Obama seems to be everyone's darling. Hilary needs time to convince the American public that she can lead the country. So why not put Obama as the Pres, with VP Hilary. That way in four/eight years Hilary runs as the party favorite to replace the second black president in American History (Bill being the first).

This would also take the up and coming Obama out of future politics due to the been there done that syndrome. I can't see how this would fail, oh wait, but they'd want to rule according their convictions....what were they again?

Friday, October 20, 2006

We just have to understand Islam

Women aren't even allowed to swim in Islamic countries. Now exactly why do folks like Nancy Pelosi want us to try to understand the enemy?

Now if only.....

Gas prices are falling.

Now if only we could get Bush to lower the cost of Gore's internet.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Smart is as Smart does

From OpinionJournal--Best of the web today:
Editor: Police Not Speak Good English"Police: Man Arrested Not Carry Bomb"--headline, Arizona Republic, Oct. 18

Well they are the last in the poll of smart states.
This is actually my second blog. I have a MSN Spaces account, but...