Wednesday, July 20, 2011

We're taking advice from Gangs now

From Wikipedia: A gang is a group of people, through the organization, formation, and establishment of an assemblage, share a common identity.[1] In current usage it typically denotes a criminal organization or else a criminal affiliation.

So why is anyone with half a brain, listening to what a "Gang" of six in congress want to do as far as the economic problems we are having?

There are some "facts" that folks just don't want to recognize:

A welfare recipient never created a job. Rich people create jobs, they do this by investing their money to become richer. I'm not rich, but I invest in mutual funds to get richer, these funds invest in companies that allow the companies to make more and better products and thereby create jobs. But I'll tell you I won't invest if more of the money I want to invest has to go to pay taxes. I paid once already, when I got my pay check. If it doesn't make me richer, I won't do it. I think anyone with any kind of self respect would say the same. My son recently started working more fully than in the past (he's a college student) and he approached me the other day and asked why he can't keep all the money he earns? My point exactly. So to increase taxes on the rich because they can afford to pay more than the rest of us, may not truly punish the rich, they're rich already (and they'll find a way to keep it anyway), but it has proven through history to hurt those that need a job.

Social Security was supposed to be a safety net. Back in the day, not everyone had a 401k, and yes companies were not real nice when it came to providing a retirement plan for their workers. The government decided it should help those that needed it. But here's how its supposed to work, I work, I put a certain amount of my money into my social security account, my employer does the same. I quit work after a distinguished career and I draw that money from my account until its used up. Simple. How this simple concept got turned into the greatest ponzi scheme in the world, I'll never know. With everyone now insisting that their employer provide 401ks and other pension plans that have bankrupted many companies, why is Social Security still needed? I've seen hundreds of commercials from lawyers telling folks that if their claims for benefits are denied they'll fight the government to get the money they deserve. What! Please see the above as to how this program is supposed to work. I'm making arrangements apart from Social Security for my retirement cause it won't be there when I retire, not enough people left in the back end of the ponzi to pay me.

The government won't "default" in August. The government receives anywhere between $130-$200B per month in revenue, the interest on the debt, the only thing we can truly default on, is about $43B per month. So the government "makes" enough to cover their debt without defaulting. Social Security, Medicare, DoD, Education, etc. are not obligations of the government. We can't default on them. I have credit loans that I have to pay or go to jail or have the item taken away from me. I don't have to buy food. Its nice if I want to keep living, but its not an obligation. So lets quit bloviating shall we?

The country's problem is we are spending way more than we take in. The only thing we can control is the spending. I wish I could just go to my employer and tell him that I want more money cause I spent everything he's given me and then some. That's what our government is doing, but to raise taxes instead concentrating on real spending reform will get the government the same answer I would get from my employer, you can live within the money you get or not get money.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Thursday, July 07, 2011

US To Help Finance Cellulose Ethanol Plant

US To Help Finance Cellulose Ethanol Plant: "The U.S. Energy Department is offering a $105 million loan guarantee for the construction of the first commercial-scale cellulosic ethanol plant."

And so congress is arguing over whether to raise taxes or "kill" seniors and we're spending $105M for an ethanol plant. Somethings just make you say hhhmmmm.